a wtjt experience

a wtjt experience

april 2023.
Slicetown Meltdown just happened, and Steffen and I tried to recover from the chaos and overboard partying by all the Turbojugend members who came to Kolding to party that weekend. after reliving everything by putting together the after movie, Deppe, the president of Turbojugend Kolding, came up with the idea for us to make a documentary about Turbojugend and the major World Turbojugend Days located in the infamous Reeperbahn, St. Pauli, Hamburg.
august 2023.
a car fully packed and my backpack filled to the brim. next location, Hamburg. We knew what we had agreed to, but I don't think we fully understood how massive this event was gonna be. already the day before everything went down, the streets were filled with denim jackets and patched people. oh, how we knew the madness was just about to begin. never ever did I have so strong hangovers for just trying to keep up with the Jugends, and with concerts not just on land at different venues but also on the sea, there were no excuses for not getting back up on the saddle.

in December we had a prescreening of our project, just to see and hear what people felt about it. I must be honest and say I had a lot of nerves, with this being my first full documentary project. but I loved it, the process, the people I met, and the beers I drank. I learned a shitton during this time, and now that we're closing into april and the 'real' premiere at Slicetown Fallingdown I feel proud that I got to be introduced to this family and community with open arms.
this documentary has become somewhat of a baby for me, and when the time comes, I hope you'll enjoy it just as much - cheers!